Nikita Jolie secured for Brian Moggre

February 29, 2020 (Via. Wolrd of Showjumping)


Ashland Farms and Major Wager LLC have in partnership secured the 10-year-old mare Nikita Jolie (Numero Uno x Ladalco) for USA’s super talent Brian Moggre. 

The 18-year-old American rider, who recently received the prestigious Lionel Guerrand-Hermès Trophy, made his debut with Nikita Jolie during the CSIO5* Palm Beach Masters earlier this month. Yesterday, the pair took their first big win together – in the CSIO4* Douglas Elliman Real Estate 1.45m Classic at the Winter Equestrian Festival. The mare was imported to the States at the beginning of the year by Ken and Emily Smith as well as Laurenz Buhl and Jens Baackmann, and was seen under Daisy Farish until Moggre took over the reins. 

“I was given the opportunity to borrow Nikita Jolie the week of the five-star Nations Cup at the Palm Beach Masters, and rode her for the first time that Tuesday,” Moggre tells World of Showjumping. “She immediately exceeded my expectations, and I saw a great partnership between the two of us. I am looking forward to what the future holds, and I cannot thank Ken and Emily Smith, Laurenz Buhl and Jens Baackmann enough for yet another great horse.”

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Brian Moggre: Living the Show Jumping Dream


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